• Online banking is currently offered by: o Scotiabank o TD o National Bank o RBC o CIBC o BMO o HSBC o Laurentian o Citibank o Bank of America o Tangerine • The CBSA is currently in discussions with other FIs regarding EDI and online banking. For an updated list, please visit this CBSA page . Electronic Data Interchange Under this method, the importer sends an EDI message to their financial institution, who in turn withdraws the payment amount in the transmitted EDI message from the importers bank account and deposits it in the CBSA EPAY account. The payment message is forwarded to the CBSA. The CBSA system posts the payment to the accounts specified. Contact your financial institution’s client relationship manager to inquire about setting up and testing the CBSA EDI payment capability. The payment deadline continues to be 4:00 PM local time on the day the payment is due. If you have any questions, please contact the CBSA at CBSA-ASFC_CARM.GCRA@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca
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