Invoicing address UNICORN SOLUTIONS LTD PARKESTON QUAY HARWICH CO12 4SL, UK Customer reference: Pickup address DSV SOLUTIONS A/S NOKIAVEJ 30 DK-8700 HORSENS UK12345 Receiver UNICORN SOLUTIONS LTD WEST DOCK ROAD, PARKESTON QUAY HARWICH CO12 4SL, UK INVOICE UK 29032019 Invoice date 09.09.2019 Receivers VAT. Receivers EORI UK Customs Broker: GB 759894254 GB759894254003 DSV Road Ltd Terms DAP Currency EUR Pickup date 05.09.2019 Total no of parcels 10 Total gross weight 2055 Total net weight 1829 Quantity Customs code Contents 5 CLL 2 CLL 3 CLL 8506509000 8506900000 8504405500 Lithium batteries Parts for batteries Accumulator Weights Gross / Net County of Origin 5 kgs / 4 kgs DK 550 kgs / 500 kgs SE 1450 kgs / 1325 kgs IT Value 30,05 535,10 6.324,25 (Period: from___________ to __________ (1)) The exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter Reference No . (2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of . (3) preferential origin. ……………………………………………………………. (4) (Place and date) ……………………………………………………………. (Name of the exporter) Net amount 6.889,40 Due date * = VAT liable 0,00 20.10.2019 VAT % 0,00 VAT amount 0,00 Total amount EUR 6.889,40 VAT No.: DK 26 36 62 24
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