Three flagpoles Area for future road expansion Hedelandsvej Earthern ditch Area for future road expansion Earthern ditch Passanger car, Phase 3, expansion: 190 parking spaces 3D - Siteplan Hedelandsvej Pylon, info sign Pylon, info sign Siteplan 1 : 1000 2. Warehouse - Phase 3 39100 15450 Prepared for electric car, chargin g spots Area for future road expansion When the future exit gate is established the road is expanded to 8m Earthern ditch 2.1 Warehouse Office - Phase 3 Retaining wall 29550 Pallet- & Wasteroom South - Phase 2 600 m2 KT. +32,500 Fence ADK Turnstile Entrance gate Pylon, info sign Existing sprinkler tank, Phase 1 Future exit gate Existing snow scaffolding from pahse 1 is moved and reused Hedelandsvej Retaining wall 2. Warehouse, Storage - Phase 2 46.550 m2 FFL: +10.000 (33.700) BH:16,2 m Pallet- & Wasteroom North - Phase 2 600 m2 1. Warehouse - Phase 1 15450 40300 2. Warehouse, Pharma - Phase 2 32.050 m2 FFL: +10.000 (33.700) BH:16,2 m KT. +32,500 2.1 Warehouse Office - Phase 2 685 m2 Denby Eco-Link Artic KT. +32,500 KT. +33,700 1700 ADK KT. +32,900 10 charging spots Disabled parking, Phase 2, Electric car, Phase 2, KT. +33,700 8 parking spaces Smoking shed KT. +33,61000g 0 (90) KT. +33,700 KT. +33,700 Speed Bump Turnstile KT. +33,000 TRA 1, Phase 1 Existing bicycle& smoking shed Turnstile Passanger car, Phase 2: 76 parking spaces Area for TRA 2 & 3 Existing fences are expanded and entrance gate from phase 1 is moved and reused Pylon info sign Bicycle shed Valve/EL carbinet, Phase 1 Turnstile PLOT DATA: DSV Hedeland: - Client: - Country: - Municipality: - Postal code: - Address: - Cadrastal number: - Max plot ratio iaw. local plan: Construction year: - Phase 1: - Phase 2: - Phase 3: DSV Panalpina A/S Denmark Hedehusene 2640 Hedelandsvej 28 B 76b Max 50% 2019 To be decided To be decided Parking spaces: - Phase 2 Truck, 16,5 m: Passanger car: (Needed *1) Disabled parking (Incl.): (Needed *2) Electric car, charging spot: Bicycle: (Needed *3) E-Bicycle: 47 spaces 198 spaces (198 spaces) 8 spaces (8 spaces) 10 spaces 13 spaces (99 spaces) 2 spaces Parking calculation cf. Lokalplan 4.41: *1 (1 per. 50 m² office: 600 m² / 50 = 12 spaces 1 pr. 500 m² warehouse: 92.950 m² / 500 = 186 spaces Total = 198 spaces) *2 (1 per. 25 parking spaces: 198/25 = 8 spaces) *3 (1 per. 100 m² office: 600 / 100 =6 spaces 1 per. started 1.000 m² warehouse: 92.950 / 1.000 = 93 spaces Total = 99 spaces) AREA DATA, PHASE 2: 02. Warehouse - Ground floor, Pharma - Ground floor, Storage - Mezzanine, North - Mezzanine, South - Pallet- & Waste room, North - Pallet- & Waste room, South - Total: 02.1 Warehouse Office - Ground floor: - Total: Total: (With mez.) Total: (Without mez.) 32.050 m² 46.550 m² 2.200 m² 10.950 m² 600 m² 600 m² 92.950 m² 685 m² 685 m² 93.635 m² 80.485 m² Plot ratio With mezzanine 93.635 / 185.576 50% Without mezzanine 80.485 / 185.576 43% Mezzanine represent: 80.485/93.635*100= 86% 100%-86% = 14% Entrance gate for fire lane NOTE: Dimensions are indicated in mm and only guiding. Halftoned zones belong to previous phase. LEGEND: Expansion zones Building roof Asphalt, Transport lorry Asphalt, Passanger car Asphalt, Main road Concrete slabs Pavement, Pedestrian walkways Green areas Grass concrete pavement Existing part of turning loop, Phase 1 Dividing line Building line Fence, Phase 2 Fence, Phase 1 DRAWING NO.: A-99-X-1-01 REVISION: NOTE: Dimensions are indicated in mm and only guiding. REFERENCES: See references on drawing. KT. XX.XXX Spot Elevation Elevations are indicated in m. N Phase 3 3. Expansion area Phase 2 2. Logistics Warehouse 2.1 Phase 1 1. Existing Logistics Warehouse PRELIMINARY PRINT: 2020.09.18 Rev. No. Rev. Date Sign. Description DSV Hedeland 2 PROJECT: ADDRESSE: Hedelandsvej 539, 2640 Hedehusene SUBJECT: Siteplan TENDER PLOT NO.: 76b DRAWING NO.: A-99-X-1-01 REVISION: SCALE: 1:1000 SIGN.: MHH/RNJ ak83 arkitekter a/s SØHESTEN 1C, 1. SAL, DK-2635 ISHØJ ØSTERAAGADE 5, 2 .TV, DK-9000 AALBORG APRVD.: AHV CONT.: AHV WEB: MAIL: MAIL: FAX: FAX: DATE: 2020.09.18 +45 4366 0801 +45 9816 6866 CASE NO.: 100345 TLF: +45 4366 0800 TLF: +45 9816 6277
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