DSV PART LOADS TRANSPORT SCHEDULE 2023-2024 * - IF AN ORDER IS PLACED LATER THAN MARKED IN THE SCHEDULE, THEN DSV WILL ACT ON THE BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION PRINCIPLE ** - DEPENDING ON THE VOLUME OF GOODS AND DELIVERY PLACE LOCATION IN DESTINATION COUNTRY The aforementioned schedule is not to be considered as a time guarantee. (EEA terms 2005) Full truck loadings and departures according to agreement with customer, based on need and possibilities. SCANDINAVIA Direction Estonia - Finland, Helsinki region (FI 00-05) Finland - Estonia, Helsinki region (FI 00-05) Estonia - Finland Finland - Estonia Estonia – Sweden, Stockholm, part loads (SE 10-19, 74-76) Estonia – Sweden, Stockholm, full loads (SE 10-19, 74-76) Estonia – Sweden, Southern region (SE 20-73) Estonia – Sweden, Northern region (SE 82-92) Sweden, Stockholm (SE 10-19, 74-76) - Estonia Sweden, Southern region (SE 20-73) - Estonia Sweden ,Northern region (SE 82-92) - Estonia Estonia - Norway, Southern region (NO 1-4) Estonia - Norway, Northern region (NO 5-9) Norway - Estonia, Southern region (NO 1-4) Norway - Estonia, Northern region (NO 5-9) Estonia - Denmark Denmark - Estonia 2023 CHRISTMAS DEPARTURE ORDER* 20.12.23 21.12.23 20.12.23 20.12.23 19.12.23 19.12.23 15.12.23 14.12.23 20.12.23 20.12.23 19.12.23 14.12.23 14.12.23 18.12.23 15.12.23 15.12.23 19.12.23 LOADING 21.12.23 22.12.23 21.12.23 21.12.23 20.12.23 20.12.23 18.12.23 15.12.23 21.12.23 21.12.23 20.12.23 15.12.23 15.12.23 19.12.23 18.12.23 18.12.23 20.12.23 DELIVERY** 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-4 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 2-3 workdays 3-4 workdays 2-3 workdays 3-4 workdays 2-3 workdays 2-3 workdays 2023 LAST DEPARTURE ORDER* LOADING on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request on request DELIVERY** 2024 FIRST DEPARTURE ORDER* 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 LOADING 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 03.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 03.01.2024 04.01.2024 04.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 04.01.2024 04.01.2024 02.01.2024 04.01.2024 DELIVERY** 2 workdays 2 workdays 3-4 workdays 3-4 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-4 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-2 workdays 2-3 workdays 3-4 workdays 2-3 workdays 3-4 workdays 2-3 workdays 2-3 workdays Direction Estonia - Latvia Latvia - Estonia Estonia - Lithuania Lithuania - Estonia BALTICS 2023 CHRISTMAS DEPARTURE ORDER* LOADING DELIVERY** 20.12.2023 21.12.2023 20.12.2023 21.12.2023 21.12.2023 22.12.2023 21.12.2023 22.12.2023 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 1-3 workdays 2023 LAST DEPARTURE ORDER* LOADING DELIVERY** 27.12.2023 28.12.2023 27.12.2023 28.12.2023 28.12.2023 29.12.2023 28.12.2023 29.12.2023 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 2024 FIRST DEPARTURE ORDER* LOADING DELIVERY** 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 03.01.2024 03.01.2024 03.01.2024 03.01.2024 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays 1-2 workdays
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