Contents Performance highlights for 2016 3 DSV at a glance 4 The environment is the single most important CSR issue for the transport sector 6 Managing impacts of our business operations 8 Environment and climate 12 Business ethics and anti-corruption 19 Tax payments in an increasingly complex tax world 23 Employees and working environment 24 Subcontractors 29 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index 34 Non-financial highlights of the DSV Group 37 THIS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) REPORT IS A COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS (COP) OF THE DSV GROUP under the United Nations Global Compact, which DSV signed in 2009. The CSR Report gives information and data on the CSR activities of the Parent and of subsidiaries of the DSV Group in which the Parent has an ownership interest of more than 50%. The CSR Report covers the twelve-month period ending 31 December 2016. The CSR Report also covers the statutory reporting on corporate social responsibility and the gender composition of senior management as prescribed by sections 99a and 99b of the Danish Financial Statements Act. This CSR report has not been externally audited. With this progress report, we would like to express its continued support to the United Nations Global Compact initiative and its ten fundamental principles as well as its efforts to achieve the Sustainability Development Goals. We also encourage all our business partners to support the Global Compact initiative. 2 D SV 2 0 1 6 CSR R E PO RT – Con ten ts
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