14 DSV Code of Conduct HUMAN RIGHTS DSV strongly believes that human rights are fundamental and should be protected at all times, as established under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations. We are committed to fair employment practices and equal opportunities and treatment. All people who carry out services for DSV, whether directly as DSV employees or indirectly as employees of our suppliers, must be treated decently and with dignity. COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, DSV supports and is committed to complying with applicable human rights and labour laws and regulations. We are committed to adhering to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. Alongside this Code of Conduct, DSV has in place a Human Rights Policy which further describes and sets our commitment and responsibilities. FORCED LABOUR, HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND MODERN SLAVERY DSV is committed to the fight against human trafficking, forced labour and debt servitude and publishes an annual Modern Slavery Act Statement to avoid any form of modern-day slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains and in any part of our business. The Modern Slavery Statement is available on www.dsv.com. Employees must report any instance of human trafficking, forced labour or debt servitude to the DSV country management, to Group Sustainability & Compliance or through the DSV Whistleblower system, Integrity Line . The following requirements are in place and must be observed: • All labour must be voluntary. • We do not allow recruitment agencies to charge any fees or costs to prospective employees. • DSV will not withhold employees’ passport or government identification. • Employees of DSV must receive a letter of confirmation of their employment conditions if required by national legislation. • Employees have the right to join a union or labour organisation and to collective bargaining, in accordance with applicable legislation. DSV supports a constructive dialogue between employer and employee. CHILD LABOUR The employment of children is prohibited in accordance with ILO Convention C138 on minimum working age. The minimum working age of employees cannot be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, cannot be less than 15 years old.
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