DSV A/S Hovedgaden 630, 2640 Hedehusene, Denmark Bureau Veritas Certification certify that the Management System of the above organisation has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below STANDARD ISO 27001:2022 SCOPE Enterprise critical business applications and Base Infrastructure managed by Global IT Statement of Applicability: Version 1.0 – 8.11.2023 Subject to the continued satisfactory operation of the organisation’s Management System, this certificate is valid until: 28-11-2026 Certification / Recertification cycle start date: 29-11-2023 Original cycle start date: 29-11-2023 Expiry date of previous cycle: - Certification / Recertification audit date: - 5- Certificate Number: FIHSK27070F Version 1, Revision date: 29-11-2023 Salla Punkari, Certification Manager, Bureau Veritas Certification Finland The SoA (statement of applicability) as a source of control set that are determined in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, section 6.1.3. d) The SoA itself is not certified Bureau Veritas Branch office for Finland, Sörnäisten rantatie 29, FI-00500 Helsinki, Finland Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the Management System requirements may be obtained by consulting the organisation. To check the validity of this certificate please call, tel. +358 10 830 8630.
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